Cats stuck up trees. Missing mothers. Run over hedgehogs. If you’ve got a story to tell, and no one to gripe to, then call on Tytti Vertainen, Tapiolinna’s first and finest female journalist.
Tytti chases facts. Her tactics may be unorthodox and not always precise, but she has shrewdness, daring and remarkable insight in her corner. And all these talents will be tested when she is asked to solve a murder… but the corpse has disappeared! More detective than journalist, she sets out to unravel the mystery and break the story. A story about a buried past that may threaten her very own future.
The Lazy Days of Temptation is set among the shallow seas and lofty pines of Finland. Detective work soon supplants the frequent cups of coffee as Tytti, jolted from her everyday routine, sets out to find a murderer.
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Tytti Vertainen has a new job as Editor of the Tapiolinna Times, but before she can unpack her pot plant, an islander comes to her in distress. A mysterious spiritual healer has arrived on the island and started to visit cancer patients. Rumour has it, she’s been called there by a saint in a vision to heal the sick. But the patients have started to die and possibly not of natural causes.
When the spiritual healer refuses to talk, Tytti’s lie detector begins to yo-yo. Who is this woman and what does she really want? This is no normal case and Tytti will be forced to be as cunning as her adversary in order to find out what the hell is going on.
Sleepy Island Lies is set on the idyllic island of Tapiolinna in the Finnish archipelago. A place where crime – although not unheard of – is at least well hidden. A malign presence is threatening the sick and vulnerable. Will Tytti be the one to remedy it?
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